Thursday, 20 September 2012

business economics


The processing of chilli powder consists of sorting stage,
washing, blansir, draining, drying and milling.
1. Sorting
Sorting (selection) is performed to select the red chillies
the good, the kemasakannya level above 60%, healthy and
physical seamlessly (not disabled). Stalk chili and parts
damaged should be discarded.
2. Washing
Wash aims to remove dirt and sisasisa
pesticides. Washing is done thoroughly. Then
drained to dry.
3. Blansir and draining
Blansir goal is to speed up time
drying, prevents perbahan color (browning) and
extend the shelf life. In addition, to prevent
SPO Chilli Processing
Directorate of Agricultural Product Processing
chilli becomes wrinkled and dull color due process
Pemblansiran process is as follows:
a. Red pepper that has been soaked in hot water clean
almost boiling (90 ° C) and has been given potassium
metabisulfite (K2S2O5) or Sodium bisufit (Na2S2O5)
with a concentration of 0.2% or as much as 2 g / l of water for ±
6 minutes. The hot water required for soaking
1 kg of chilli peppers is needed ± 1.5 L).
b. Cabe has raised further soaked and
inserted into the cold water, so the process
heating stopped.
c. Chilli drained and then left to dry.
4. Drying
After diblansir, chili can be immediately dried or dried
with the hair. Drying temperature should not be
exceed 75 ° C. Best drying temperature is 60 ° C. chilli
Drying is carried out until the moisture content of less than 9% of chilli
Cabe has a moisture content of 9% would feel dry if
kneaded by hand.
The drying process can be done by:
a. Natural drying
In natural drying, dried chilli for ± 8-10 days
the hot sun. If the weather is unfavorable,
drying is relatively long (12-15 days). This method costs
pretty cheap, but weakness depend
on the weather and can lead to lower quality
The resulting dried chillies.
b. Artificial drying
To speed up the drying time and
improve the quality of chilli, drying
with artificial drying (oven) at 60 ° C for
10-15 hours. At this stage the temperature of the dryer should
SPO Chilli Processing
Directorate of Agricultural Product Processing
note not to exceed 60 ° C. Time
drying, the material should be inverted every 3-4
hours to dry evenly. Drying may be terminated
when the water content has reached 7-8% or if chili
dry red is easily broken. Depreciation weight
approximately 50-60%, ie from 30 kg of fresh chilli would
produced 4-5 dried chillies.
5. Milling
The dried red pepper mashed with
using a penepung (mill / hammer mill) Hole
sieve used to make chili powder
is 60 mesh to obtain the red chilli powder
smooth evenly. Besides the mill can also be used blender
(Household), coffee grinder or a special powder milling machine
chili that is normally used for industrial purposes
middle and upper.

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